Tuesday, 31 March 2015


The next genre I will be talking about is Rock

I have decided to talk about rock because I love the bands Imagine Dragons and McBusted. Both of them would fit into the same genre of rock. When I say rock I mean the pop kind of rock not the big heavy metal type with guys screaming words no one can understand into a microphone.

Rock and Roll was huge back in the 1950s in the United States where it has believed to of originated from. Some of the best known greats of Rock and Roll are Elvis Presley and The Beatles just to name a few. In the 1960s particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States rock developed into a range of different styles. 

A rock band mainly consists of electric guitars, a bass and drums but is mainly centered around the electric guitar.       Rock is song-based music usually with a 4/4 time signature  using a verse-chorus form.            

                                                                                                              Elvis Presley
Over the years rock has been changed more into pop so the lyrics are more love based but also address a wide variety of other themes.In recent times, White male musicians are starting to dominate the rock music genre, such as Imagine Dragons and McBusted.



There has been a big growth in sub-genres over the years in rock. Examples of these are blues rock, folk rock, country rock, and jazz-rock fusion and much more.



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